Memberi Pendidikan kepada Dunia

Memberi Pendidikan kepada Dunia Menjadi pusat latihan serantau yang disokong oleh UNESCO telah membolehkan sebuah institut di UMT berkongsi pengetahuannya dalam bidang oseanografi dengan dunia Oleh Prof. Gs. Ts. Dr. Aidy @ Mohamed Shawal M Muslim, Pensyarah, Institut Oseanografi dan Sekitaran (INOS) Selama lapan tahun yang lepas, Institut Oseanografi dan Sekitaran (INOS) telah memainkan peranan […]

Educating the World

Educating the World Being a UNESCO-endorsed regional training centre has allowed an institute at UMT to share its knowledge of oceanography with the world By Prof. Gs. Ts. Dr. Aidy @ Mohamed Shawal M Muslim, Lecturer, Institute of Oceanography and Environment (INOS) For the past eight years, the Institute of Oceanography and Environment (INOS) has been […]

Rasa Seperti di Rumah

Rasa Seperti di Rumah Seorang pelajar Amerika menyertai usaha untuk melestarikan penyu sambil terlibat dalam budaya tempatan Oleh Dr. Mohd Uzair Rusli, Unit Penyelidikan Penyu (SEATRU) Benar-benar terpengaruh dengan budaya Melayu, dia kadang-kadang boleh dilihat berpakaian dengan Baju Melayu, baju tradisional yang dipakai oleh lelaki Melayu, dan kain pelikat, sehelai kain berpetak-petak yang dipakai oleh […]

Feeling at Home

Feeling at Home An American student joins in the effort to conserve turtles while engaging himself in the local culture By Dr. Mohd Uzair Rusli, Sea Turtle Research Unit (SEATRU) Well immersed in the Malay culture, he may be spotted at times dressed in a Baju Melayu, a traditional shirt worn by Malay men, and […]

Mencipta Nama Untuk Diri Sendiri

Mencipta Nama Untuk Diri Sendiri Seorang pensyarah muda mengaplikasikan pengetahuannya dalam bidang sains untuk kegunaan marin yang mampan Oleh Prof. Dr. Zainudin Bachok, INOS His passion for marine organisms began when he was 10 years old. He loved to watch the documentary channel National Geographic, particularly when the shows were about ocean life. Since then, […]

Making a Name for Himself

Making a Name for Himself A young lecturer applies his scientific knowledge for sustainable use of marine resources By Prof. Dr. Zainudin Bachok, INOS His passion for marine organisms began when he was 10 years old. He loved to watch the documentary channel National Geographic, particularly when the shows were about ocean life. Since then, he […]

Sokongan dengan Bantuan

Sokongan dengan Bantuan Penyelidikan seorang pelajar PhD memberikan dapatan yang berguna yang boleh membantu dalam projek pemulihan dan penambahbaikan kawasan tanah bencah Oleh Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohd Fadzil Mohd Akhir, Pengarah, Institut Oseanografi dan Sekitaran (INOS) Dr Zuraini Zainol was on a boat, diligently measuring the speed and direction of the current of the Setiu […]

Laying a Helping Hand

Laying a Helping Hand A PhD student’s research provides useful findings that may help in wetland restoration and enhancement projects By Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohd Fadzil Mohd Akhir, Director, Institute of Oceanography and Environment (INOS) Dr Zuraini Zainol was on a boat, diligently measuring the speed and direction of the current of the Setiu Lagoon […]

Menjaga Terumbu Karang

Menjaga Terumbu Karang Kajian intensif dijalankan di UMT untuk pemuliharaan terumbu karang Oleh Prof. Dr. Zainudin Bachok, INOS In one of the laboratory rooms at the Institute of Oceanography and Environment (INOS), wetsuits and SCUBA air compressors are neatly kept. There is a reason why INOS has them. These are used by its researchers when […]

Caring for the Corals

Caring for the Corals Intensive research is carried out at UMT for coral reef conservation By Prof. Dr. Zainudin Bachok, INOS In one of the laboratory rooms at the Institute of Oceanography and Environment (INOS), wetsuits and SCUBA air compressors are neatly kept. There is a reason why INOS has them. These are used by its […]