Biodiversity of marine worms living in coral reefs in Terengganu Islands
By Isabel C. Molina-Acevedo All my scientific career, I should say, has been related to the sea and its biodiversity. Considering that many marine researchers are more attracted to studying charismatic species, such as turtles, fishes, dolphins and whales, I decided to go for one of the most misunderstood and barely-studied groups of marine invertebrates, […]
Interdisciplinary research through Science – Policy Interface
Interdisciplinary research through Science-Policy Interface By Farahdilah Ghazali Centre for Ocean Governance (COG) was formally launched as a sub-set to INOS on 1 October 2020, sprouting from the Ocean Governance Research Programme established as a HICoE programme in 2013. With the main aim of developing excellence in transdisciplinary research and networking through Science-Policy Nexus for […]
Rising to the surface: Need to accelerate ‘Upwelling’ studies
By IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC) Despite their close link to high ocean productivity, upwelling systems remain poorly investigated in the South China Sea and adjacent seas. Ongoing and future actions to rectify this were at the center of the recently concluded WESTPAC (IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific) international workshop held January 26 to […]
INOS hosted regional IOC-WESTPAC workshop on Upwelling
By Institute of Oceanography and Environment (INOS) On the 26th January 2021, the Institute of Oceanography and Environment (INOS), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, had successfully organised the 2nd WESTPAC Workshop on upwelling and its dynamics in the South China Sea and adjacent areas. This fully virtual workshop was officiated by the Representative from the Ministry of […]
2020 Istirehat Panjang Ekosistem Terumbu Karang
Oleh Hasrizal bin Shaari Pelancongan merupakan antara penyumbang terbesar kepada sektor ekonomi negara. Pendapatan negara yang dijana daripada industri perlancongan mencecah RM86.14 bilion pada tahun 2019. Rentetan daripada kerancakan industri ini, pelbagai promosi telah dijalankan oleh pihak kerajaan bagi menjana lebih banyak pendapatan kepada negara. Namun seperti perpatah yang biasa kita dengar “disangkakan panas hingga […]
Monsoon, Will It Be Any Different This Year?
By Mohd Fadzil Akhir If you’re in Terengganu or Kelantan, you’re likely experiencing continuous rain this week. Rainy, cloudy and gloomy days will turn down the heat a little as the atmosphere giving ways to the cooler north-east monsoon air to stay here for the next couple of months. But this year will be different. […]
Post COVID-19 Marine Life Status At Marine Park Islands Of Terengganu
By Zainuddin Bachok The pandemic COVID-19 has created chaos around the world. Since the spread of COVID-19 and the implementation of Movement Control Order (MCO), most human activities that usually take place have now stopped for longer than usual, and this has resulted in a quick and drastic change in the way the human population […]
What Else is Needed for Mangrove Conservation
By Behara Satyanarayana The mangrove forests have been treated as destroyable wastelands until recently. However, after witnessing their magnitude of coastal protection during the Indian Ocean tsunami (24 Dec 2004), both government and non-government organizations began massive mangrove plantation projects all over the tropical and subtropical coastlines. In fact, mangrove ecosystems gained a renewed managemental […]
TOMSY Online Conference, A Success!
By Saifullah Arifin Jaaman On 23-24 November 2020, INOS held the 2nd. Tropical Ocean and Marine Sciences International Symposium (TOMSY2020. This fully virtual symposium was officiated by the Honourable Professor Dato’ Dr. Nor Aieni Haji Mokhtar, Vice Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. TOMSY2020 brought together a wide array of scientists from academia, government and industry […]
INOS-MMS Empower Industry Partnership in Conservation
INOS-MMS Empower Industry Partnership in Conservation By Mohd Uzair Rusli On 7th September 2020, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) and MISC Maritime Services (MMS) officiated the strategic cooperation at the launch of the ‘UMT-MMS Sea Turtle Conservation Program’. The established relationship supports turtle research and conservation efforts at Chagar Hutang Turtle Sanctuary, Pulau Redang. As a […]