MARE Syllabus

“Through this project we develop 3 specific syllabus. We want to create a unique and impactful contribution to our marine science curriculum and students learning experience under this new challenging era.”
Our Effort
Collaboratively develop teaching portfolio that fully appreciate the engineering and management sides of marine and coastal environmental issues. And exposure students to cutting edge science and policy developments. All this requires smooth and institutionalised relations to the world of profession, easy access to international knowledge base, and to the databases of case studies in the region.
Provide adequate ICT solutions. Students need more structured guidance in policy- and internationally relevant research, integrated solutions for blended learning, individual & group learning portfolio, e-learning multimedia modules, e-science module for undergraduate and postgraduate courses
Improve educational content, research and practical
materials related to the subject areaproject updates and deliverables, discussion area, survey facility and access to the eMARE e-learning platform
MARE Syllabus Content
For additional information, please refer to this website :
*The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.