Our Vision

INOS aspires to achieve scientific excellence by providing ocean solution through scientific research that combines new technology and innovative approach that will leads to new understanding of the complex and constantly changing marine ecosystems.

Who we are?

We are a national HICoE (Higher Institution Centre of Excellence) in marine science. We work on holistic and integrated approach in addressing marine and oceanographic issues at both local and regional level via various research teams.

“We strategically position ourself with various partners to envision our marine future, for the benefits of science and providing positive impact towards the society”

2nd WESTPAC Workshop on Upwelling and Its Dynamics in the South China Sea and Adjacent Areas

26 – 27 January 2021
Online (ZOOM)




Tel: +609-6683195 Fax: +609-6692166

Institute of Oceanography and Environment
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
21030 Kuala Nerus
Terengganu, MALAYSIA

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