INOS Seminar Series

Just in case you missed it

Don’t worry if you missed out on our seminar series, you can watch the recordings!

Ocean Mapping & Geospatial (OMG)

OMG aiming to create an in-depth understanding of seafloor habitats, morphology and the dynamic processes influencing the seafloor. They develop novel tools and techniques to achieve this aim through collaborative effort between experts, industrial partners, and technology makers. This strength enables them to undertake and becoming a key player in habitat mapping projects in Malaysia.  Scan the QR code for the recorded seminar video.

Marine Endangered Species (MES)

Want to know about research on the Marine Endangered Species Malaysia? These majestic and iconic marine organisms face a lot of threats, yet research and conservation efforts on them are not for the faint hearts too. Scan the QR code for the recorded seminar video.