Geokimia & Pencemaran Marin (MPG)
The major research interest of Marine Pollution and Geochemistry (MPG) group is aimed towards understanding the fate and transport of different forms of inorganic and organic pollutants in coastal and offshore waters especially in the area of the southern South China Sea. This includes the sources, sinks and transformations of pollutants as well as physical transport mechanisms. In addition, our work also focuses with Planet Earth in term of the internal and surface processes, mineral resources and paleoclimate reconstruction. We spend a lot of time at sea for field sampling to collect water, surface and core sediments, air and biota. The field-based data are combined with laboratory experiments and computational approaches to better understand the complex interactions of pollutants between different environmental compartments. It is our intention to use the findings to improve our understanding of the marine environment, leading toward better environmental management and preservation in the future and implement policies necessary to protect associated stakeholders.
Mainly Focuses
- To determine the spatial and temporal distribution of chemical compounds to fingerprint their origin based on their biomarker and isotope techniques.
- To assess fluxes of particles, biogeochemically important elements and representative contaminants from land sources through coastal zone.
- To study the toxicity of chemical pollutants on marine organisms and ecosystems.
- To study the paleoenvironmental changes based on the inorganic and organic proxies.
Prof. ChM. Dr. Suhaimi Suratman (INOS, UMT)
Assoc. Prof. ChM. Dr. Ong Meng Chuan (FSSM, UMT)
Assoc. Prof. ChM. Dr. Poh Seng Chee (FSSM, UMT)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasrizal Shaari (FSSM, UMT)
Prof. Dr. Mohd Talib Latif (UKM)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Masni Mohd Ali (UKM)