Our oceans cover 72 % of the earth. For centuries, our oceans have created and defined world civilizations. Our oceans as the interconnected natural highways have been providing vital sources for life, energy and food to humankind for centuries. The roles of oceans in shaping civilisation and human behaviours continue. In today’s development, the Blue Economy plays vital roles in advancing know-how and growth of various industries such as shipping, fisheries, mining, trade, energy and tourism. Nonetheless, the increased of growth population, socioeconomic activities and international political rivalry at the sea have brought irreversible damage to oceans. Since the 20th century, the escalation of unsustainable development in the coastal areas, resource extraction, overfishing, ocean acidification, marine biodiversity loss, increased pollution, habitat depletion and climate change have worsen the situation. Hence, the United Nations has announced the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) as a collective action of stakeholders to restore the ocean health through a common framework globally. The essence of this common framework is a sustainable approach in development by supporting countries improving their ocean conditions through ocean science.

To face these challenges, an innovative & integrated approach is required through Ocean Governance to bring about the Science-Policy Interface. Centre for Ocean Governance (COG) is an interdisciplinary centre formally launched under INOS on 1 October 2020.

Common Goals

COG’s common goal is to investigate, producing and sharing knowledge to bring about better understanding in practising and adapting sustainable ocean governance and development. With its cross-cutting researchers from a multidisciplinary team, COG focuses on:

Team Members



Natural Science & Technology

Social Science & Humanities

External Resource Persons