Memenuhi Perjanjian Kita

Memenuhi Perjanjian Kita Kepakaran UMT digunakan dalam sebuah perkongsian strategik Oleh Ts. Dr. Azizi Ali, Pegawai Penyelidik Kanan, INOS Several years back, INOS paid a simple visit to this one company, a household name in the oil and gas industry. That visit turned into something significant for both parties. It kick-started a partnership between them […]

Keeping Our End of the Deal

Keeping Our End of the Deal UMT’s expertise is put to work in a strategic partnership By Ts. Dr. Azizi Ali, Senior Research Officer, INOS Several years back, INOS paid a simple visit to this one company, a household name in the oil and gas industry. That visit turned into something significant for both parties. It […]

Memenangi Hati Mereka

Memenangi Hati Mereka UMT telah menjadi pilihan utama bagi pelajar TROPIMUNDO Oleh Prof. Madya. Dr. Behara Satyanarayana, Koordinator Tempatan TROPIMUNDO When it comes to a popular international programme funded by the European Commission and offered by 17 universities throughout the world, UMT is the proud holder of one record. UMT was the first institution in […]

Winning Their Hearts

Winning Their Hearts UMT has become a university of choice for TROPIMUNDO students By Assoc. Prof. Dr. Behara Satyanarayana, Local Coordinator of TROPIMUNDO When it comes to a popular international programme funded by the European Commission and offered by 17 universities throughout the world, UMT is the proud holder of one record. UMT was the […]

Idola Kejayaan

Idola Kejayaan Seorang profesor muda di UMT telah membuktikan dirinya sebagai seorang akademik yang berjaya Oleh Prof. Dr. Wan Izatul Asma Wan Talaat, Ketua – Pusat Tadbir Urus Lautan (COG) INOS He was first trained as a civil engineer at Heriot-Watt University in the UK. But after graduation he never went into building and infrastructure […]

A Role Model of Success

A Role Model of Success A young professor at UMT has established himself as a successful academic By Prof. Dr. Wan Izatul Asma Wan Talaat, Head of Centre for Ocean Governance (COG), INOS He was first trained as a civil engineer at Heriot-Watt University in the UK. But after graduation he never went into building […]

Lautan Adalah Batasan Kita

Lautan Adalah Batasan Kita Sebuah institut telah bekerja keras untuk menjadi pusat kecemerlangan kebangsaan Oleh Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohd Fadzil Mohd Akhir, Director, Institut Oseanografi dan Sekitaran (INOS) The institute first began as a small marine science station, set up in 1979, when UMT was still a branch of Universiti Putra Malaysia. Since then, the […]

The Ocean’s Our Limit

The Ocean’s Our Limit An institute has worked its way up to become a national centre of excellence By Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohd Fadzil Mohd Akhir, Director, Institute of Oceanography and Environment (INOS) The institute first began as a small marine science station, set up in 1979, when UMT was still a branch of Universiti Putra […]

Penjaga Harta Laut

Penjaga Harta Laut Sebuah pusat di UMT kini menjadi salah satu pusat marin utama Oleh Prof. Madya Dr. Izwandy Idris, Ketua Unit, Pusat Rujukan dan Repositori Laut China Selatan (RRC), INOS The centre was set up in 2004. After two years, the number of registered specimens at the centre was a mere 38. But today […]

Keeper Of Ocean Treasures

Keeper Of Ocean Treasures A centre at UMT is now one of the leading marine By Assoc. Prof. Dr Izwandy Idris, Head, South China Sea Repository and Reference Centre (RRC), INOS The centre was set up in 2004. After two years, the number of registered specimens at the centre was a mere 38. But today the […]