“This water is not enough, should we get some more like this, is it okay?”

“This water is not enough, should we get some more like this, is it okay?” SEMBANG SANTAI ONLINE TAJUK:Air Takdok Ni, Kena Wak BORENG ah gini, Buleh Dok?  6 Sept 2021, 11.00 pagiLagumana gok BORENG AIR ni bennornye;– Bulih buat minum dok?– Bersih ke dok?– Bahaya dok untuk tanah bowoh rumah?– Bulih wat kat mane mane […]

Video Festival of Ideas UMT | INOS

VIDEO FESTIVAL OF IDEAS UMT | INOS Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia (KPT) telah menganjurkan Program Festival of Ideas (FOI) yang mengetengahkan ENAM (6) kategori iaitu Malim Sarjana, Inovasi, Pameran Maya, Forum Maya, Mentor dan Resensi Karya dari semua Universiti Awam termasuk politeknik di Malaysia. Program ini akan berlangsung pada setiap minggu pada Selasa dan Khamis […]


INOS is proud to welcome our former Vice Chancellor as our new Distinguished Research Fellow. Dato’ Nor Aieni brings wealth of experience from her previous years in ministry, administrating national oceanography directorate. Her experience leading UMT, a marine focused university for 6 years will certainly strengthen our institute. She will leads and ignite the Oceanography […]

INOS Seminar Series | Museum Collections and Their Importance Towards Citizen Science

INOS Seminar Series | Museum Collections and Their Importance Towards Citizen Science Some of the speakers and participants in the online seminar. The recent online INOS Seminar Series (27th May 2021) focused on the natural history museum and how it inculcates the spirit of citizen science. In this seminar, three international speakers were invited to […]

Reef Conservation and Restoration Towards Sustainable Ecosystem

Reef Conservation and Restoration Towards Sustainable Ecosystem Coral reef plays multiple important roles throughout tropics. They provide key ecosystem goods and services such as fishes habitat, coastal protection and tourism aspects. The reefs benefit human in so many ways that support live hoods and in other major such as building materials and pharmaceuticals. However, coral […]

Launching of the Ocean Decade Activities in UMT

Launching of the Ocean Decade Activities in UMT United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2021 to 2030 as the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development – the “Ocean Decade”. INOS has join a collective global movement to create the Ocean we Want! This nationwide program  started last March was part of Ministry of […]

Friendly ‘Animoji’ Icon for Ocean Literacy

Friendly ‘Animoji’ Icon for Ocean Literacy Ocean Literacy Character and different is that the WOW UMT program this time brings the appearance of UMT’s ocean icon, ‘Cik Cu’ and her friends, an animoji characters brought in by the lecturers and students of UMT to attract younger generation with creative approach. Cik Cu and friends act […]

An Elegant ‘World Ocean Week’ Online Celebration

An Elegant ‘World Ocean Week’ Online Celebration Jun is always special for us in INOS. June 8 is the date of World Oceans Day and UMT has made the World Oceans Day celebration an annual university event since 2013, and tpart of our tradition is the celebration at UMT which is known as WOW (World […]