Pengurusan Mampan Sisa Plastik Perlu Kerjasama Serantau dan Antarabangsa

Pengurusan Mampan Sisa Plastik Perlu Kerjasama Serantau dan Antarabangsa Sumber: Pelan Tindakan Serantau ASEAN 2021-2025 Pandemik COVID-19 telah menyebabkan peningkatan penggunaan peralatan pakai buang terutamanya plastik sekali pakai (single use plastics – SUPs). Kian banyak sisa plastik mencemar lautan, garis pantai, dan sungai di samping mempengaruhi kehidupan masyarakat pesisir pantai. Kebanyakan pencemaran plastik di laut […]

Solid Waste Management Stakeholder Engagement on Issues and Solutions in Terengganu

Solid Waste Management Stakeholder Engagement on Issues and Solutions in Terengganu Solid waste management has become one of the most important issues, both in academia and non-academic domains for decades. Various dialogues have been organised on how best to solve the issues holistically using sustainable methods and technology. The first UMT – Kuala Terengganu City […]

Why should we trust the new climate report?

Why should we trust the new climate report? It is devastating to see another extreme flash flooding water gushing down slopes around Gunung Jerai catchment area affecting thousands of people in Kedah. Many started to blame deforestation as the leading cause, and some reserved their blame towards climate change. Twitter feeds start pouring comments, but several […]

A Tale of the Monsoon Riders from Terengganu

A Tale of the Monsoon Riders from Terengganu The monsoon system helps our sea turtle to establish different populations in the South China Sea (SCS) for their survival. How baby turtle benefits from the monsoon? The SCS exhibit two types of monsoon; the Northeast and Southwest monsoon. Sea turtle hatchlings dispersal in the ocean are […]

INOS Has Officially Graduated as A National Higher Institution Centre of Excellence

INOS Has Officially Graduated as A National Higher Institution Centre of Excellence INOS is a pioneer centre of excellence (COE) in UMT. Established in May 2001, our main focus is conducting multi-disciplinary research in oceanography. The major objective behind the establishment of INOS is to achieve better understanding on the key scientific questions about the […]

Perkembangan Terkini dalam Sains Marin – II

PERKEMBANGAN TERKINI DALAM SAINS MARIN – II Dear All, We are pleased to inform that the call for participants for the Latest Developments on Marine Sciences – II (INOS Special Lecture Series on Ocean Conservation) organized by the Inter-Islamic Network on Oceanography to take place online on 26 October 2021, 04.00 pm (UTC+8). Platform Online […]

Latest Developments on Marine Sciences – II

LATEST DEVELOPMENTS ON MARINE SCIENCES – II Dear All, We are pleased to inform that the call for participants for the Latest Developments on Marine Sciences – II (INOS Special Lecture Series on Ocean Conservation) organized by the Inter-Islamic Network on Oceanography to take place online on 26 October 2021, 04.00 pm (UTC+8). Platform Online […]

Interaksi Dengan Masyarakat Melalui Sistem Ramalan Laut

INTERAKSI DENGAN MASYARAKAT MELALUI SISTEM RAMALAN LAUT Dear All, We are pleased to inform that the call for participants for the Ocean Decade Laboratories Satellite Activities (Laboratory 2: “A Predicted Ocean”): Engaging Public with the Ocean Forecasting System (OFS) organized by the Institute of Oceanography and Environment, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia and the First Institute of Oceanography, […]

Engaging Public with Ocean Forecasting System

ENGAGING PUBLIC WITH OCEAN FORECASTING SYSTEM Dear All, We are pleased to inform that the call for participants for the Ocean Decade Laboratories Satellite Activities (Laboratory 2: “A Predicted Ocean”): Engaging Public with the Ocean Forecasting System (OFS) organized by the Institute of Oceanography and Environment, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia and the First Institute of Oceanography, China […]