Dr. Mohammad Shawkat Hossain
Remote sensing & Marine Informatics (RSMI)
Institute of Oceanography and Environment (INOS) UMT
+609 668 3527 (Office)
+6016 816 2171 (Mobile)
Dr. Mohammad Shawkat is an expert in the field of coastal remote sensing, developing and validating of multispectral remote sensed imagery in coastal environments, and monitoring ecosystem health of seagrass, coral and mangrove habitats, forest and biodiversity conservation. His research interests are in the calibration and validation of high/moderate resolution data, developing effective coastal and benthic habitat mapping approaches using multispectral airborne and satellite imagery, and Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS). He has remote sensing research experiences in coastal environments varying in their water clarity, seagrass and reef type, species composition (seagrass, coral, seaweed, and mangrove), and their level of natural or anthropogenic disturbances. These environments are in Peninsular, Sarawak, and Sabah of Malaysia, and the Bahamas of USA.
- Lecturer/Researcher
Institute of Oceanography and Environment (INOS), UMT (2017 – present)
- Doctor of Philosophy
* Ph.D., Marine Ecology and Biology
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) (2015)
- Master’s Degree
* MSc. Forestry
Chittagong University (IFESCU), Bangladesh (2000)
- Bachelor’s Degree
* BSc. Forestry (Hons)
Chittagong University (IFESCU), Bangladesh (1997)
Journal article
Alam, S.M.R., and Hossain, M.S. 2023. Probabilities of acquiring cloud-free and low-tide Landsat observations for mapping saltmarsh over south-eastern Bangladesh from 1980 to 2019. Marine Geodesy. in press. doi:10.1080/01490419.2023.2200212.
Khalil, I., Muslim, A.M., Hossain, M.S., and Atkinson, P.M. 2023. Modelling and forecasting the effects of increasing sea surface temperature on coral bleaching in the Indo-Pacific region. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 44(1): 194–216.
Gallagher, A. J., Brownscombe, J. W., Alsudairy, N. A., Casagrande, A. B., Fu, C., Harding, L., Harris, S. D., Hammerschlag, N., Howe, W., Huertas, A. D., Kattan, S., Kough, A. S., Musgrove, A., Payne, N. L., Phillips, A., Shea, B. D., Shipley, O. N., Sumaila, U. R., Hossain, M. S., and Duarte, C. M. 2022. Tiger sharks support the characterization of the world’s largest seagrass ecosystem. Nature Communications, 13(1), 6328.
Mohamad, M.N., Reba, M.N.M., and Hossain, M.S. 2022. A screening approach for the correction of distortion in UAV data for coral community mapping. Geocarto International. 37(24): 7089–7121.
Chong, W.S., Zaki, N.H.M., Hossain, M.S., Muslim, A.M., and Pour, A.B. 2022. Introducing Theil-Sen estimator for sun glint correction of UAV data for coral mapping. Geocarto International. 37(15): 4527–4556.
H. Moradpour, G. Rostami Paydar, B. Feizizadeh, T. Blaschke, A.B. Pour, K. Valizadeh Kamran, A.M. Muslim, and Hossain, M.S. 2022. Fusion of ASTER satellite imagery, geochemical and geology data for gold prospecting in the Astaneh granite intrusive, West Central Iran. International Journal of Image and Data Fusion. 13(1): 71–94.
Atif, Y., Soulaimani, A., Ait lamqadem, A., Pour, A.B., Pradhan, B., Nouamane, E.A., Abdelali, K., Muslim, A.M., and Hossain, M.S. 2022. Identifying hydrothermally altered rocks using ASTER satellite imageries in Eastern Anti-Atlas of Morocco: a case study from Imiter silver mine. International Journal of Image and Data Fusion. 13(4): 337-361.
Skakni, O., Hlila, R., Pour, A.B., Martín, M.M., Maate, A., Maate, S., Muslim, A. M., and Hossain, M.S. 2022. Integrating remote sensing, GIS and in-situ data for structural mapping over a part of the NW Rif belt, Morocco. Geocarto International. 37(11): 3265–3292.
Moradpour, H., Paydar, G.R., Pour, A.B., Kamran, K.V., Feizizadeh, B., Muslim, A.M., and Hossain, M. S. 2022. Landsat-7 and ASTER remote sensing satellite imagery for identification of iron skarn mineralization in metamorphic regions. Geocarto International. 37(7): 1971–1998.
Sekandari, M., Masoumi, I., Pour, A.B., Muslim, A.M., Hossain, M.S., and Misra, A. 2022. ASTER and WorldView-3 satellite data for mapping lithology and alteration minerals associated with Pb-Zn mineralization. Geocarto International. 37(6): 1782-1812.
Ishagh, M.M., Pour, A.B., Benali, H., Idriss, A.M., Reyoug, S.S., Muslim, A.M., and Hossain, M.S. 2021. Lithological and alteration mapping using Landsat 8 and ASTER satellite data in the Reguibat Shield (West African Craton), North of Mauritania: implications for uranium exploration. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 14: 2576.
Stankovic, M., Ambo-Rappe, R., Carly, F., Dangan-Galon, F., Fortes, M.D., Hossain, M.S., Kiswara, W., Van Luong, C., Minh-Thu, P., Mishra, A.K., et al. 2021. Quantification of blue carbon in seagrass ecosystems of Southeast Asia and their potential for climate change mitigation. Science of The Total Environment. 783: 146858.
Alam, S.M.R. and Hossain, M.S. 2021. A rule-based classification method for mapping saltmarsh land-cover in south-eastern Bangladesh from Landsat-8 OLI. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 47(3): 356-380.
Roslan, N., Md Reba, M.N., Sharoni, S.M.H., and Hossain, M.S. 2021. The 3D neural network for improving radar-rainfall estimation in monsoon climate. Atmosphere. 12(5): 634.
Hossain, M.S., Muslim, A.M., Pour, A.B., Mohamad, M.N., Alam, S.M.R., Nadzri, M.I., and Khalil, I. 2021. Mapping different types of shorelines from coarse-resolution imagery: Fuzzy classification method can deliver greater accuracy. Journal of Coastal Research. 37(2): 433-441.
Sharoni, S.M.H., Md Reba, M.N., and Hossain, M.S. 2021. Tropical cyclone wind speed estimation from satellite altimeter-derived ocean parameters. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 126(4): e2020JC016988.
Pour, A.B., Sekandari, M., Rahmani, O., Crispini, L., Läufer, A., Park, Y., Hong, J.K., Pradhan, B., Hashim, M., and Hossain, M.S. 2021. Identification of Phyllosilicates in the Antarctic Environment using ASTER satellite data: Case study from the Mesa Range, Campbell and Priestley Glaciers, Northern Victoria Land. Remote Sensing. 13(1): 38.
Hossain, M.S., Muslim, A.M., Nadzri, M.I., Sabri, A.W., Khalil, I., Mohamad, Z. and Pour, A.B. 2021. Coral habitat mapping: A comparison between Maximum Likelihood, Bayesian and Dempster-Shafer classifiers. Geocarto International. 36(11): 1217-1235.
Hossain, M.S., Bujang, J.S., and Alam, S.M.R. 2020. Microclimate and distribution of mangrove soil carbon in mud lobster (Thalassina anomala Herbst 1804) mounds. Regional Studies in Marine Science. 40: 101540.
Hossain, M.S., and Hashim, M. 2020. Multitemporal histogram matching – A new approach of moss and Lichen change detection from Landsat in data-poor Antarctica environments. Jurnal Teknologi. 82(5): 165-171.
Hossain, M.S., Muslim, A.M., Nadzri, M.I., Teruhisa, K., David, D., Khalil, I. and Mohamad, Z. 2020. Can ensemble techniques improve coral reef habitat classification accuracy using multispectral data?. Geocarto International. 35(11): 1214-1232.
Hossain, M.S., Bujang, J.S., Kamal, A.H.M., Zakaria, M.H., Muslim, A.M. and Nadzri, M.I. 2019. Effects of burrowing mud lobsters (Thalassina anomala Herbst 1804) on soil macro- and micronutrients in a Malaysian mangrove. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 228: 106358.
Sani, D.A., Hashim, M. and Hossain, M.S. 2019. Recent advancement on estimation of blue carbon biomass using satellite-based approach. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 40(20): 7679-7715.
Muslim, A.M., Chong, W.S., Safuan, C.D.M., Khalil, I. and Hossain, M.S. 2019. Coral reef mapping of UAV: A comparison of sun glint correction methods. Remote Sensing. 11(20): 2422.
Beiranvand Pour, A., S. Park, T.-Y., Park, Y., Hong, J.K., M Muslim, A., Läufer, A., Crispini, L., Pradhan, B., Zoheir, B., Rahmani, O., Hashim, M. and Hossain, M.S. 2019. Landsat-8, Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer, and WorldView-3 multispectral satellite imagery for prospecting Copper-Gold mineralization in the northeastern Inglefield Mobile Belt (IMB), Northwest Greenland. Remote Sensing. 11(20): 2430.
Pour, A.B., Park, Y., Crispini, L., Läufer, A., Kuk Hong, J., Park, T.-Y.S., Zoheir, B., Pradhan, B., Muslim, A.M., Hossain, M.S. and Rahmani, O. 2019. Mapping Listvenite occurrences in the damage zones of northern Victoria Land, Antarctica using ASTER satellite remote sensing data. Remote Sensing. 11(12): 1408.
Hossain, M.S., Hashim, M., Bujang, J.S., Zakaria, M.H. and Muslim, A.M. 2019. Assessment of the impact of coastal reclamation activities on seagrass meadows in Sungai Pulai estuary, Malaysia, using Landsat data (1994–2017). International Journal of Remote Sensing. 40(9): 3571-3605.
Hossain, M.S. and Hashim, M. 2019. Potential of earth observation (EO) technologies for seagrass ecosystem service assessments. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 77: 15-29.
Hossain, M.S., Hashim, M. and Muslim, M.A., 2019. Multi-temporal MODIS for detection and published literatures for validation of algal blooms in Sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia. Jurnal Teknologi. 81(3): 159–167.
Muslim, A.M., Hossain, M.S., Razman, N., Nadzri, M.I., Khalil, I. and Hashim, M. 2019. Shoreline mapping: How do Fuzzy Sigmoidal, Bayesian, and Demspter-Shafer classifications perform for different types of coasts? Remote Sensing Letters. 10(1): 39-48.
Hossain, M.S., Bujang, J.S., Kamal, A.H.M., Zakaria, M.H. and Muslim, A.M. 2019. Behavioural response of the mud lobster, Thalassina anomala Herbst, 1804 (Decapoda, Gebiidea), to different trapping devices. Crustaceana. 92(3): 353-371.
Hossain, M.S. and Hashim, M. 2017. Earth observatory data for Maritime Silk Road development in South East Asia. Jurnal Teknologi. 79(6): 213-220.
Li, Z., Hui, L., Hashim, M., Sutrisno, D., Khaing, M.M., Hossain, M.S., Lwin, Z.M., Hongsheng, Z. and Lanwei, Z. 2017. Earth observation of resources and environment in coastal zone along the Maritime Silk Road. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences. 32(Z1): 26-33.
Hossain, M.S., Koirala, B. and Hossain, M.K. 2017. A comparative study on initial growth and nodulation potential of seven multipurpose tree species grown in Chittagong, Bangladesh. Banko Janakari. 11(2): 22-26.
Hashim, M., Aziz, M.F.H.A., Hassan, R.B. and Hossain, M.S. 2017. Assessing target strength, abundance, and biomass for three commercial pelagic fish species along the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia using a split-beam echo sounder. Journal of Coastal Research. 33(6): 1448 – 1459.
Hashim, M., Ito, S., Numata, S., Hosaka, T., Hossain, M.S., Misbari, S., Yahya, N.N. and Ahmad, S. 2017. Using fisher knowledge, mapping population, habitat suitability and risk for the conservation of dugongs in Johor Straits of Malaysia. Marine Policy. 78: 18-25.
Hashim, M., Reba, N.M., Nadzri, M.I., Pour, A.B., Mahmud, M.R., Yusoff, A.R.M., Ali, M.I., Jaw, S.W. and Hossain, M.S. 2016. Satellite-based run-off model for monitoring drought in Peninsular Malaysia. Remote Sensing. 8(8): 633.
Hossain, M. S., Bujang, J. S., Zakaria, M. H. and Hashim, M. 2016. Marine and human habitat mapping for the Coral Triangle Initiative region of Sabah using Landsat and Google Earth imagery. Marine Policy. 72: 176-191.
Hossain, M.S., Bujang, J.S. and Zakaria, M.H. 2015. Landsat image enhancement techniques for subtidal and intertidal seagrass detection and distribution mapping in the coastal waters of Sungai Pulai estuary, Malaysia. Coastal Marine Science. 38(1): 27-41.
Hossain, M.S., Bujang, J.S. and Zakaria, M.H. and Hashim, M. 2015. Application of Landsat images to seagrass areal cover change analysis for Lawas, Terengganu and Kelantan of Malaysia. Continental Shelf Research. 110: 124-148.
Hossain, M. S., Bujang, J. S., Zakaria, M. H. and Hashim, M. 2015. Assessment of the impact of Landsat 7 Scan Line Corrector data gaps on Sungai Pulai Estuary seagrass mapping. Applied Geomatics. 7(3): 189-202.
Hossain, M. S., Bujang, J. S., Zakaria, M. H. and Hashim, M. 2015. Assessment of Landsat 7 Scan Line Corrector-off data gap-filling methods for seagrass distribution mapping. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 36(4), 1188-1215.
Hossain, M.S., Bujang, J.S., Zakaria, M.H. and Hashim, M. 2015. The application of remote sensing to seagrass ecosystems: an overview and future research prospects. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 36(1): 61-113.
Gandaseca, S., Rosli, N., Hossain, M.S. and Arianto, C.I. 2014. Assessment of oil palm plantation and tropical peat swamp forest water quality by multivariate statistical analysis. American Journal of Environmental Sciences. 10(4): 391-402.
Hossain, M.S. and Hossain, M.K. 2006. Effect of NPK fertilizers on the growth of Telsur seedlings. Bangladesh Journal of Agriculture and Environment. 2(1): 17-24.
Hossain, M.K., Hossain, M.S. and Koirala, B. 2004. Acacia auriculiformis provenances for large-scale planting in degraded hilly areas of Bangladesh. Journal of Tropical Forest Science. 16(2): 265-267.
Hossain, M.K., Dhali, M.A.H. and Hossain, M.S. 2002. Effects of forest soil and leaf-litter on germination and initial seedling growth on Leucaena leucocephala. Allelopathy Journal. 10(1): 13-20.
Hossain, M.S., Hossain, M.K. and Koirala, B. 2001. Growth and nodulation status of seven multipurpose tree legumes grown in hill soils under nursery conditions. Journal of Forestry and Environment. 1(1): 97-101.
Koirala, B., Hossain M.K. and Hossain, M.S. 2000. Forage productivity of Ipil-ipil as influenced by plant spacing at Chittagong University Campus. Bangladesh Journal of Forest Science. 29(2): 106-111.
Koirala, B., Hossain, M.K. and Hossain, M.S. 2000. Effect of presowing treatments on Adenanthera pavonina L. seeds and initial seedling development in the nursery. Malaysian Forester. 63(2): 82-91.
Osman, K.T., Rahman, M.M., Talukder, M.H. and Hossain, M.S. 1999. Effect of N, P and K fertilizers on growth and foliar nutrients of Gmelina arborea Roxb. seedlings. Bangladesh Journal of Agriculture. 24(1): 73-79.
Jashimuddin, M., Rahman, M.M., Hossain, M.S., Akhter, S. 1999. Status of Birol sal forest in northwestern Bangladesh. Journal of Tropical Forest Science. 11(3): 654-656.
Hossain, M.K., Hossain, M.S. and Aryal, U.K. 1998. Initial growth performance of eight provenances of Acacia auriculiformis at Chittagong University Campus, Bangladesh. Indian Forester. 124(4): 256-258.
Hossain, M.K., Hossain, M.S. and Muhammad, N. 1998. A comparative study of undergrowth of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and some other plantation in sal forest areas of Bangladesh. Indian Journal of Forestry. 21(2): 93-96.
Conference Papers
Hashim, M., Misbari, S., Yahya, N.N. and Hossain, M.S. 2016. Above ground blue carbon sequestration capacity of Sungai Pulai estuary seagrass meadows – A satellite based method. 37th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing. Colombo, Sri Lanka. 363-369.
Hossain, M.S. 2009. Role of NAWG in agroforestry knowledge management system of Bangladesh. Abstracted in the Proceedings of the 2009 International Non-Timber Forest Products Symposium: Achievement and Prospect of Non-Timber Forest Products Researches held on 23-24 October, 2009 at the Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Republic of Korea. 85-88.
Bhuiya, B.A. and Hossain, M.S. 2009. BRGB species checklist: A database of Bangladesh. Abstracted in the Proceedings of the e-Biosphere 09 International Conference on Biodiversity Informatics held on 1-3 June, 2009 at The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London, UK. 86.
Hossain, M.S., Ahmed, F.U. and Chun, S.K. 2008. Growth rates and volume tables of eleven important tree species grown in the home gardens of Bangladesh. Abstracted in the 10th International Furniture Design Conference: LOHAS Furniture (Lifestyles of health and sustainability) held on 27-31 August, 2008 at the Korea International Exhibition Center, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea. 24.
Bhuiya, B.A. and Hossain, M.S. 2006. Species Checklist Database and Capacity Building Training in Bangladesh. The Proceedings of TDWG: Abstracts of the 2006 annual conference of the biodiversity information standards held on 15-22 October, 2006 at the Missouri Botanical Garden St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. 55-56.
Bhuiya, B. A. and Hossain, M.S. 2005. Species Checklist of Bangladesh: A Project of Biodiversity Research Group of Bangladesh (BRGB): An update. Proceedings of the 2005 International Workshop on Integrated Biodiversity & Natural Specimen Database & Forum of Species 2000 Asia-Oceania held on September 30 – October 2, 2005 in the National Museum of Natural History, Taichung, Taiwan. 41-47.
Hossain, M.K., Haque, M.S. and Hossain, M.S. 2000. Effect of domestic sludge on the initial growth performance of Samanea saman (Jacq.) Mer. in the nursery. Poster abstracted in the Proceedings of the XXI IUFRO World Congress on Forests and Society: the Role of Research held on 7-12 August, 2000, Malaysia. 443-444.
Research Interests
Remote sensing in Coastal Environments, and Biodiversity Conservation
- Developing tide filter algorithm for wetland vegetation mapping in coastal areas in Bangladesh using multispectral imagery
Principal Investigator * BARC * 2019
- Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) in Malaysia
Team member * Xiamen University, China * 2021
- Enhancing Coastal Risk Reduction Science and Practice by Considering Climate, Ecosystems, and Communities in the Tropical Region
Team Member * Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research* 2022
- Development of a fusion of drone and Landsat survey technology to document coral reef community in Malaysia
Team Member * FRGS * 2019
- Mapping and assessing changes in saltmarsh, mangrove and terrestrial vegetation in coastal areas of Bangladesh using remote sensing methods
Principal Investigator * PGRG * 2021
- Mapping corals in Pulau Songsong
Team Member * Jabatan Mineral dan Geosains Malaysia (JMG) * 2021
- Development of UAV data screening strategy prior to sun glint correction to improve coral classification mapping in Tun Mustapha Park, Sabah, Malaysia
Team Member * UMS * 2022
- Evaluating the impact of hydrographical and sedimentological changes on livelihood supporting core mangroves at Setiu Wetlands (Terengganu) due to shifted river mouth
Team Member * FRGS * 2022
- Optimizing screening method prior to UAV photo alignment to improve orthorectification for coral
Team Member * FRGS * 2022
- New parametric downscaling algorithm for high-resolution satellite soil moisture estimation using machine learning method
Team Member * FRGS * 2022
- Arannayk Foundation, Bangladesh
- Beneath the Waves, USA
Professional Activities
- Associate Professional Member
* Institution of Geospatial and Remote Sensing Malaysia (IGRSM)
Teaching Interests
- Remote Sensing
Postgraduate Students
2018 – Present
- PhD student: 3 current
Supervision Activities
Current Doctoral Supervision
- Mapping And assessing coastal and estuarine vegetation changes in coastal areas in Bangladesh using multi-temporal Landsat imagery (Sheikh Mohammed Rabiul Alam)
Main Supervisor
- Mapping east coast Peninsular Malaysia coastal regional rainfall distribution using machine learning algorithms (Mohammad Izuan Nadzri)
Main Supervisor
- Measuring And modelling sea surface temperature (SST) to advance remote sensing of coral bleaching risks (Idham Khalil)
Main Supervisor