Who We Are?

We are a national HICoE (Higher Institution Centre of Excellence) in marine science. We work on holistic and integrated approach in addressing marine and oceanographic issues at both local and regional level via various research teams.

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Tetamu Yang Dinanti-nantikan

Tetamu Yang Dinanti-nantikan Penyu-penyu memilih pantai-pantai di Terengganu sebagai tempat bertelur setiap tahun Oleh Dr. Mohd Uzair Rusli & Cik Syamsyahidah Samsol, Unit Penyelidikan Penyu (SEATRU) Dari April hingga Oktober setiap tahun, pengunjung berduyun-duyun ke pantai pada waktu malam. Mereka menunggu dengan sabar dan senyap, dan apabila masanya tiba, mereka akan mendapat peluang untuk menyaksikan sesuatu yang sukar dijumpai di tempat lain—penyu menaruh telurnya. Dilaporkan bahawa sehingga 1000 pelancong akan

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The Much Awaited Guests

The Much Awaited Guests The sea turtles have chosen the beaches in Terengganu as their nesting spots each year By Dr. Mohd Uzair Rusli & Ms. Syamsyahidah Samsol, Sea Turtle Research Unit (SEATRU) From April to October every year, visitors flock to the beach at night. They wait patiently and quietly, and when the time comes, they are rewarded with the opportunity to witness something not easily found elsewhere—the sea

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Memberi Pendidikan kepada Dunia

Memberi Pendidikan kepada Dunia Menjadi pusat latihan serantau yang disokong oleh UNESCO telah membolehkan sebuah institut di UMT berkongsi pengetahuannya dalam bidang oseanografi dengan dunia Oleh Prof. Gs. Ts. Dr. Aidy @ Mohamed Shawal M Muslim, Pensyarah, Institut Oseanografi dan Sekitaran (INOS) Selama lapan tahun yang lepas, Institut Oseanografi dan Sekitaran (INOS) telah memainkan peranan penting di pentas dunia. Dalam proses itu, INOS telah melatih individu dari 30 negara. Sejak

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Customer Satisfaction Survey on The Services of Institute of Oceanography and Environment (INOS), UMT

We would like to inform you that INOS is currently conducting a customer satisfaction survey to assess the quality of our services for all customers.

To achieve this goal, we kindly request the cooperation of YBhg. Dato’ / Prof. / Assoc. Prof. / Dr. / Mr. / Mrs. to provide feedback and suggestions / comments (if any) by completing the feedback form at the following link:

MFAST - Malaysia Marine Forecast System

The MFAST is developed under the collaboration between UMT and First Institute of Oceanography (FIO), China, which is a supplementary product of the Ocean Forecasting Demonstration System (OFDS) for Southeast Asian Water; one of the Southeast Asian Global Ocean Observing System (SEAGOOS) pilot projects under the auspices of the IOC Sub-Commissions for the Western Pacific (IOC/WESTPAC).

MFAST is the first OFS in Malaysia to have a high-resolution ocean forecast data which is developed based on wave-tide-circulation coupled model established by the Laboratory of Marine Sciences and Numerical Modelling (MASNUM), FIO. 

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

The project will realize the vision and mission of the Asia-Pacific Network (APN) Goals and Action Agenda by providing an understanding on how marine ecosystems reduce the risk along the coastal area under present and future climate scenarios in the tropic. These complex issues are related to the APN research agenda, namely climate, biodiversity and ecosystem, risk, and resilience. Our research will perform the analyses and involve experts, local stakeholders, in accordance with APN’s mission.

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Institute of Oceanography and Environment
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
21030 Kuala Nerus
Terengganu, MALAYSIA

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